Cost Management & Quantity Surveying

Our service offered

We provide our clients with specialised cost advice to give them confidence in the viability and profitability of their projects.

Before a site is acquired, we provide quick and informed decisions about the feasibility of a proposed development. During construction we manage costs and the supply chain to maximise the return on investment. Our exceptional technical knowledge enables us to balance time, quality, cost and risk, resulting in the efficient delivery of a project.

Pre-acquisition advice

We understand our Clients may have to make decisions on acquisitions very quickly, often with limited information about the potential of a site. Our RICS qualified consultants rapidly assess the viability, cost and return on investment. With extensive experience in volatile and highly competitive markets, we help our clients secure developments without exposure to high levels of risk.

Benchmarking from the beginning

At the outset, we analyse existing data to agree a budget, inform scheme design and development, and select the most suitable Contractor. We can then manage the entire construction process, providing informed advice and direction.

Driving value throughout the project

We reference historic data to predict costs, demonstrating likely expenditure on works packages and the risk around variation. Giving our Clients quantifiable evidence of different cost elements is invaluable in managing projects and persuading other parties of proposed strategies. We also help Clients use benchmarking data to explore alternative design concepts and procurement methodologies.

Post-acquisition support

As an independent practice, we offer impartial advice; managing the supply chain, enforcing contractual conditions and protecting our Client’s interest while actively managing the budget.

We advise on the best procurement strategy and manage the procurement process. We draw up contracts, check all work and manage change and valuations to deliver projects to the agreed specification, price and schedule.

Procurement Advice

Managing risk to achieve best value by using our market intelligence to enables Clients to make informed decisions on current political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors (PESTEL). This market insight means we understand the commercial value of any risk and can advise clients on what represents best value for money.

Choosing the right procurement method is vital to the success of the project. We work closely with our Clients to develop procurement strategies tailored to specific projects.

We help Clients achieve savings in challenging environments, for example, where lack of capacity in the supply chain is matched by rising labour and material costs.

We consider all aspects of construction and examine any potential for savings, which might, include: innovation, collaborative solutions, incentivisation, prefabrication and modularisation opportunities.

Value engineering

Value engineering helps to maximise value for money, from inception to completion.

Value engineering is not a cost-cutting exercise, but is a means of removing any element that adds cost without contributing to function or performance. This might involve materials, processes, suppliers, over-specification or the timing of project phases.

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